Maternal Wealth Podcast - Own Your Birth

Mitsuzi Green: An Inspiring Journey Through Doula Work, Advocacy, and Entrepreneurial Success

Season 1 Episode 6

Unlock the secrets of empowering childbirth with insights from Mitsuzi Green, an inspiring labor and delivery nurse turned doula. What leads someone to switch from business studies in Jamaica to a calling in nursing in the US? In a journey marked by unexpected challenges and serendipitous encounters, Mitsuzi reveals the profound differences between labor and delivery nurses and doulas, casting light on the critical emotional and physical support doulas offer to birthing individuals and their partners.

Curious about choosing the perfect doula for your birthing journey? We delve into the nuances of finding a doula whose personality aligns with your birth plan and the importance of their comfort with your chosen birthing setting. Learn about an innovative fetal monitoring course that empowers doulas with the ability to read fetal strips, fostering collaborative care and empowering birthing mothers to engage in informed discussions with healthcare providers. This development not only enhances doula effectiveness but also bridges the gap between doulas and labor and delivery nurses, promoting a more supportive birthing environment.

Mitsuzi's personal narrative of overcoming life's hurdles to find her true calling as a doula is both enlightening and inspiring. She shares how her journey informs her work today, advocating for women's empowerment in all birthing settings—whether in hospitals, birthing centers, or home births. Gain insight into how hospital policies and access to medication can shape birth experiences and why Mitsuzi believes embracing challenges can lead to discovering one's true purpose. Listeners in the Houston area will find an opportunity to connect with Mitsuzi genuine care and expertise, guiding them on their own empowering birthing journeys.

If you want to connect with Mitsuzi, please contact her using the contact information below.

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***My apologies if you hear my children in the background.  They did their best to keep quiet, and I didn't do my best to edit them out ;) ***

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Maternal Wealth Podcast, your space for all things maternal health, pregnancy, birth and beyond. I am Stephanie Terrio, a labor and delivery nurse and a mother to three beautiful boys. Each week, we dive into inspiring stories and expert insights to remind us of your power in giving birth and motherhood. We're here to explore the joys, the challenges and the complexities of maternal health, because every mother's journey is unique and every story deserves to be told. This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your healthcare provider for medical guidance tailored to your specific needs. Are you ready? Let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

Today I am excited for you to meet my friend, mitzi Green. We met as labor and delivery nurses working together in New York City. Mitzi is a mom, a labor and delivery nurse, a doula, a business owner. She is all of the things I'm excited for you to learn about her transition into laborhood, becoming a doula and all the wonderful things that she does to help support women in labor. Welcome, mitzi. Hi Stephanie, thank you for having me. Thank you for being here. Could you share with us a little bit about yourself and what led you to become a nurse?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you said, I'm a labor and delivery nurse, I'm a doula and I'm also a business owner. My journey into nursing is not the typical. I had a passion for this. I had a strong drive. I knew from I was a child that this is what I wanted to do. For me, it was more so. I came to the US for college and my family was like you have to do something that's going to make you money and also help you to stay in the country. And nursing was it, and I actually did business subjects in Jamaica and so doing sciences. It was just really interesting and weird and hard, but I pushed through and that's how I got into nursing.

Speaker 1:

And then how about for labor and delivery?

Speaker 2:

Did you work in other areas in the hospital or did you straight go into labor and delivery? And so when I started my L&D clinicals, I was super excited. I was like this is what I'm going to be, this is what I'm going to work, and if I do not get a labor and delivery job, I will not be a nurse. And it actually took me a whole year before I got into labor and delivery and it's all I've ever done and it's all I know done and it's all I know.

Speaker 1:

I can remember back in the day. I don't know about so much now, but when we were younger going straight into labor was on the harder side. Generally everyone would say go into med-surg, be a floor nurse and then go into labor and delivery. Did you find that was the case?

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was definitely the case. I was working in a shoe store for that year because all I was doing was like sending out applications after applications for labor and delivery, and actually it wasn't any of those applications that got me a job. I was actually at a fair and I was talking to this lady and she was asking me about what I do and what I want to become and just questioning me. And then she was like hey, I'm a nurse manager on a labor and delivery unit and she was like come, here's my business card coming for an interview. And I was like wow, look at God.

Speaker 1:

You put it out there and it came for you Right. I know you worked as a labor and delivery nurse. How long were you in that role as a labor and delivery nurse before you started thinking okay, I'm starting to feel like I should support women in the doula role.

Speaker 2:

So it was my third year of nursing and I started working in New York City and I met doulas for the first time and I was like, wow, I'm fascinated by what you guys are doing. How can I get into this? What is this role? And that's how I started off.

Speaker 1:

One of the things I think a lot of patients don't understand when delivering in the hospital is the difference between the role of a labor and delivery nurse and the role of a doula, and I think sometimes patients might expect that the nurse has the capability to implement that role of a doula, which is the hands-on, the physical, emotional support, right? So can you talk a little bit about the difference between the role of a doula and a labor and delivery nurse?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your doula is basically there to hold space for the birthing person and the partner right For the family that's giving birth, like you said, emotionally and physically.

Speaker 2:

So your doula is by your side, laboring with you and your partner, giving you instructions on what to do physically to help your baby to move down right, helping you to move, helping you to turn, comforting you, encouraging you, affirming you, holding you as close as possible to your birth plan, and your labor and delivery nurse is there and she is moving you, changing positions.

Speaker 2:

However, her main focus isn't your emotions. Her main focus isn't how your partner is doing right. Her main focus is what is going on with that baby that she can't see, what is going on with the medications that she's introduced into your birthing space. She is also splitting her attention because most of the time, your labor and delivery nurse does not have just one patient and one person to focus on right, and so she's splitting that attention, while your doula is just there for you, focused on you, and also your nurse does not work for you. Your nurse works for the hospital and so your nurse is following policy and procedures right, when your doula is just there simply for you and your partner and your birth plan.

Speaker 1:

I love that point that you make that the nurse works for the hospital and the doula works for you. That resonates, because there are times as a labor and delivery nurse where I am conflicted in my care because I am working for the hospital. So at the end of the day I have to follow the policy and go up the chain of command and go up the chain of command, even if I think maybe something should be going in a different direction, like management of care.

Speaker 1:

if you have the doula, who is also educated, aware of how labor management should be, she can be that advocate for you when you're in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's absolutely right. When you're in the role of that nurse, I find myself like I can't say certain things right. I can't push you in a certain way because, at the end of the nurse, like, I find myself like I can't say certain things right. I can't push you in a certain way because, at the end of the day, I have to go back and I have to work with my colleagues, my coworkers. This doctor that you hired right, but the doula doesn't have that relationship with these people and that's what makes the role of the doula so beautiful when it comes to advocating for these families.

Speaker 1:

One of the roles of a doula that I've seen that I really enjoy for a patient is postpartum, and especially in the immediate postpartum period In the hospital, if the woman has somewhat of a traumatic experience or if there's complications after the delivery. How did you support your patients in that postpartum period?

Speaker 2:

if there's something traumatic that happened. Honestly, most of the time I work through touch hugs, right, maybe just rubbing my arms and the legs and affirming, reassuring, and also explaining and educating what happened, and also listening. Listening is very important in my postpartum doula work Sitting and just allowing the family the space to debrief on their own, not interjecting my thoughts or my opinions and just being there and just letting her express everything that she's holding inside. So active listening is a huge part of my postpartum care.

Speaker 1:

One of the things that I want the listeners to hear is a fabulous concept that I wish more women would look into is the concept of having a doula for a planned C-section. How did you come about of this idea?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, I think this is also just from working as a nurse, right, and seeing people come in with their birth plans, their C-section birth plans, and wanting to do just simple skin-to-skin in the OR. Right, you're working in the OR too, stephanie, so you know, sometimes we are busy with so many tasks. It's just hard to help a mom to hold her baby on her chest regularly, skin to skin. It depends on staffing, it depends on what's going on with the baby, what's going on with mom if she's bleeding, right? Um, and so it was just like how can I just help a mom to hold a baby skin to skin in the OR? And for me as a doula, most of the time I'm still not allowed in the OR, right, but I take it to the education. I educate the partners. This is what you can do. I actually have my doll and I show them hey, this is how you hold the baby, this is how you support that skin to skin in the OR.

Speaker 2:

And then a lot of these moms who end up with C-sections I'm talking schedule C, c-sections. Now, they're high-risk pregnancies, right, and most of the times they're just left alone to figure things out on their own. It's just like they're told hey, you're high risk and you need a c-section, and it's just like they give up and they feel like everything just has to be a yes and they don't know the options that they have still when it comes to having a c-section. And so that's why I created my c-section doula package just to support these moms, because they still need love, they still need care, and I would say they need even more than the mom who had a vaginal delivery right, because their milk takes a longer time to come in and a lot of people don't know that when you have a C-section and so they start to think that they failed or they did something wrong and their baby isn't latching and they just needed a little bit more education, a little bit more patience. So that's where I want to make a difference.

Speaker 1:

In your experience when you are working with different hospitals in the PACU generally it's not uncommon for a PACU nurse, once you're out of the OR to have multiple patients that they're recovering, so to have that extra set of hands, to have a doula for the C-section to help with the skin-to-skin help with the breastfeeding, because the hospital doesn't truly prioritize that one-on-one patient-to-nurse ratio post-operative Right, that is so true.

Speaker 2:

And we also got to catch up on things that happen in the OR. Right, we got to do the charting, we got to take care of the placenta, we got to do all these things, we got to make sure we have our orders and we got to check the bleeding, and so there's really no time, like you said, to spend and care for mom and baby like you truly should, and staffing is always an issue, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. If the mom has a scheduled C-section, as you mentioned, there is most likely a comorbidity. Mom has a higher level of acuity of care, so a heightened sense of caring for the patient and making sure that mom is okay and that she's stable post-operative. I love that you are offering this to women to have that extra level of support to really ease women into that postpartum transition.

Speaker 2:

post-operatively yes yes, transition post-operatively, yes, yes. And also a lot of the time is spent educating. What should you be looking out for post-op? What are the complications post-op?

Speaker 1:

And teaching a partner how to advocate for a for labor or for a c-section. What would you say? The benefits of having a doula are for them and for the baby.

Speaker 2:

So I don't believe that every woman needs a doula, should have a doula are for them and for the baby. So I don't believe that every woman needs a doula or should have a doula, right, but every woman does deserve a doula. There's different factors that would contribute to that. So if you're on the fence and you're trying to figure out if you should hire a doula or not, the first thing I would say is look at your support system. What does that look like? What does your village look like? Who's going to support you during pregnancy? Who's going to support you during labor? Who's going to support you postpartum? Do you truly have the village? Do you truly have people that you can rely on? Your partner how does your partner function when it comes to advocating for you? Even just from day-to-day interactions, right? Will that person be able to truly advocate for you doing labor?

Speaker 2:

The people who are part of your village are they willing to sit and learn and educate themselves? Are they willing to sit and read your birth plan and ensure that your birth plan is being followed? If you have all those things, great, you don't need a doula. But if you are looking at your village and you're like, oh my gosh, I don't know if I could truly rely on this person, then go ahead and hire a doula. If you're the type of person, if you are anxious, you're nervous, you're worried, you need a doula. If you've had a traumatic experience in a previous pregnancy, then maybe you need a doula because your partner probably also has trauma from that experience and both of you need support. Those are the things that I would look at first just to kind of figure out where I should be, whether I should go hire a doula or not.

Speaker 1:

For women who know that they want a doula. They want the advocate, they want that one-on-one support. What should they look for in finding a perfect match for their doula?

Speaker 2:

That's an interesting question. One thing I wish people would ask me in consultation that nobody ever does is what's my personality like? Because if I'm a chill person, I don't want somebody who's high energy in my birth space, and vice versa. So I would say look at the person's personality, see if it meshes with your birth plan and the vision that you have. Also, you want to ask the person like what birth setting are you most comfortable in, right?

Speaker 2:

Not every doula likes to attend hospital births or home births or be at the birthing center, right? So asking that question to ensure that that person actually matches with your vision that you have for your baby's birthday. And then availability is also a big thing, right. Like how many clients is that person taking on per month? What does the backup system look like for that doula, and will you even like that person's backup doula to be in your workspace? So those are important things that I think that you should be asking in your doula interviews. If you're like yes, I want to hire a doula, I don't think years of experience matter, I don't think certification matters, like, you don't have to be certified to be a doula. A doula is there to hold space for you.

Speaker 1:

One of the great things that mitzi is doing right now is you have created a fetal monitoring course in which you are educating doulas to learn how to read fetal strips where did where and how did you come up with this amazing idea?

Speaker 2:

all right. So this came about because when I walk into the hospital space as a doula, right, I'm not respected and I don't tell people that I'm a nurse and I have this nursing background. Um, a lot of the times I walk into the space and the ob team blocks me out, right, sometimes they don't even say hello. And I've been in the birth space as a doula and I've heard providers come in and they're like, oh, you're not contracting well, or oh, your baby's doing this or that. And then I had to advise my clients otherwise, otherwise, right, because I could read the strip, I know what's going on, but they don't know that, I know, right. And I sat one day and I looked at it after being very frustrated with the provider, right, because he wanted to break my client's water, and he's like, oh, you're only contracting like every I don't know what. He said like four minutes, and you know, we would like your contractions to be closer. And I'm like, well, actually she is contracting like every two to three minutes, right, she wasn't really feeling them, it was an induction, you know, sometimes, even though it's every two to three minutes, they're not strong enough, right, and the client doesn't really feel what's happening anyways. So I was very frustrated because he was telling her something that wasn't happening on the strip. And I was like how many doulas walking to the birthing space and they can't truly advocate for their clients because they don't know what's going on with the strip?

Speaker 2:

And so for maybe the past year and a half, I've been wanting to create this course and I was like I'm not going to do it just from fear, right, I don't know how it's going to be accepted. I don't know the backlash that I'm going to get. You know how social media is? Yeah, when I created this course, like, I got messages like hey, is this out of scope for me as a doula, to know this? And I'm like, no, it's not. Like, your OB is not required to take a course, they're not required to be certified. So, no, it's not out of scope for you to have this knowledge, because, one, you're not reading the strip and telling people what to do, right, you're not taking the role of the nurse or the doctor, but what you are doing is using the information to advocate for your clients and prompt your clients to ask questions and seek alternatives based on what's going on. So it's how you use the information that's important.

Speaker 1:

How are you offering these classes to doulas?

Speaker 2:

These are virtual classes via Zoom and basically it's an hour and a half class and we are talking about types of monitors. We're talking about clinical scenarios and the type of monitors that should be used intermittent versus continuous. We are looking at the strips. We're learning to read the graph. What do the little boxes be differentiating the heart tones, looking at d-cells, all the things when it comes to fetal monitoring, looking at contraction patterns and how to read them. We're talking about the different types of interventions that the nurses should be doing and the providers should be doing right, things that you can suggest them to do just in case they aren't being done right. But yeah, it's a beautiful course, it's interesting and I think it's great for all doulas to have this knowledge.

Speaker 1:

I agree. I think it's a great thing that you're doing Create a space for doulas to learn how to read fetal strips and to have that second voice in the room who can look, like you said, get the patient to ask more questions that are more appropriate for their care, as opposed to when patients are in the hospital for inductions or labor. On the other side of the spectrum, the provider is kind of just checking off the boxes to get through labor, whether it ends up being a vaginal or a C-section. So when I first saw that, I was like this is absolutely amazing and it just puts more power back into our hands and that's where it should be.

Speaker 2:

I even have labor and delivery nurses take the course too, and they're like, they love it. It's good, and it's also a good way for collaborative care right Having nurses and doulas in the same classes learning this.

Speaker 1:

Since you are in that unique space, being a labor and delivery nurse and a doula, there tends to be a contention between doulas and nursing staff. Where do you think that comes from?

Speaker 2:

I think everyone wants the same outcome, right, everyone wants for a healthy mom, a healthy baby.

Speaker 2:

But I think the contention is just the different perspectives that we have on birth. Right, in nursing school you aren't taught that birth is intimate, it's sacred, spiritual right and, as a doula, that's what you're taught, versus the nurse who's taught about the medical aspects of it. You're administering medications, you're taking orders and honestly, I feel like the contention does come to from fetal strips. Like, as a nurse, you come into the room and you want to flip and turn the patient and do all these things because you need to intervene based on what's going on in the strip, right. And the doula doesn't understand that because, hey, mom is comfortable in this position on her side. She does not want to go to hands and knees right now, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's also why this course is important, because now everybody could understand what's happening, what's going on, why is the intervention needed and, like I said, the collaborative care. So now the doula could understand and they could be more encouraging to their patients. Hey, this is why we have to move. Let's try to avoid the C-section, right? I think that's the biggest area of contention between the two practices.

Speaker 1:

We have talked a lot about the role of a doula inside of a hospital setting. I'm curious have you helped women as a role of a doula outside of the hospital, whether in a birth center or home birth?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have been in the home birth setting. I've been in birthing centers and they are all like different and unique. Right At home. It's more calming, it's more relaxing. There's no advocating really in a home birth, it's just more so encouraging and holding that sacred space for mom and telling her that she's doing great and she's doing amazing and helping her to trust herself and trust her body and affirm her in in that space. So that's been my home birthing experience. They've all been beautiful. I have not had any bad experiences in a home birth. I have not seen anything traumatic in a home birth. It's just all been beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And in the birthing center it's pretty much the same thing. But you do have your birth assistants coming in more frequently to listen to the heart tones and the same documentation. In that space too, you still find like your midwife kind of being split between charting and doing things versus just holding space for mom. But I can say that in the birthing sense I've had to advocate a little bit more for my clients. Okay, yeah. So again, I feel like it's also finding that provider that aligns with you and your birth plan that will really make a difference and asking the where do you currently provide most of your doula services?

Speaker 2:

I'm in houston, texas.

Speaker 1:

That's where I'm located, and then I do some virtual doula services as well oh okay, nice, so you can offer your doula services virtually anywhere in the US. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Anywhere in the world, oh okay pass through this virtual service and they haven't called me for their birth or their labor because at the end of the program they believe in themselves so much. They only text me. Hey, I'm in labor, hey, baby's here and I'm like great that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you want to talk a little bit more about the mindfulness program that you have? The?

Speaker 2:

The mindfulness program. Mindfulness, basically, is paying attention to the moment, right, and figuring out what you can do in that moment to stick to your birth plan as much as possible, or what are the things that you need to let go of and just let it be because it's out of your control now. So it's looking at the moment and just being in the here and now and we learn to do that. And then it's also mixed in with child birth education. So, learning what's early labor, what's active labor, if you're going to the hospital, we spend time talking about all the medications, all all the things that could be introduced, all the things that will be offered right, and the partner is there on all these sessions. There's a session that's dedicated just for the partners and comfort measures, advocacy, building out your birth plan, building out your postpartum plan. So, yeah, that's the mindfulness program in a nutshell.

Speaker 1:

I know that you're a mom and here at Maternal Wealth we love to talk about birth stories.

Speaker 2:

Would you share yours with us? Yeah, my son. He is now 10 years old, so I gave birth 10 years ago and this was before I was into labor and delivery, and so I walked into my birthing space with not much education. I just thought I was gonna go in and I'm gonna push and I'm gonna have my baby and it's all gonna be great. Um, so there was no education walking and I was induced at 41 weeks and I went to the hospital. I was already two centimeters dilated, so we started with pitocin and I was doing great. I was doing fine until I got to six centimeters. They broke my water because they wanted things to progress and that's when everything just broke loose.

Speaker 2:

I didn't want an epidural because my mom told me not to get one. Right, I was young and she was like don't get an epidural, you could, can do it. And I was like, okay, I'm not going to get one. So an epidural was never in my frame of thought when it came to giving birth, and so I did it without an epidural and I think because of that I do not remember my birth or birthing my son. I feel like I took myself away so much from the experience that I can't remember the full experience. If that makes sense, yeah and yeah. That's why, too, I focus on mindfulness in my doula practice, because I want people to remember their births, not only not to have a non-traumatic birth, but also be able to be present in the moment, like not take yourself away so much from what's happening and disconnect so much that you don't actually enjoy the experience. Great, so I had my baby, everything was great.

Speaker 2:

And then postpartum came along maybe a week, and I was having baby blues. I was just crying a lot, um, for no reason. And then I started having these terrible, terrible migraines, like I would just curl up in a ball, I can't move, crippling migraines. And I remember one day yeah, one day I was home alone with my son and he was sleeping. I was in the bed and I was having a migraine and he woke up and he started crying and I couldn't move, stephanie, like I could not move over to the crib that was next to the bed, just to even touch my baby to be like you're okay, my phone was right next to me and I had to call my aunt. She was at work and I was like this baby is crying, I have this migraine and I can't move, and he laid there and cried until she got home. And I can't move, and he laid there and cried until she got home.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, postpartum was the roughest part for me. And then I kept having the migraines, right, and I wasn't really doing anything to fix them because I had the baby and I was just focused on the baby. Yeah, and maybe a couple days after that event, my migraine was so bad like his father had to pick me up and like take me to the bathroom. Like I couldn't walk to the bathroom, wow, and he was like, let's go to the emergency room because this can't be normal, right? And I was like, okay, so I went to the emergency room and when I got there, by the time the doctor came in to see me, like something happened.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it was, but I couldn't feel my lower body, I could not feel my legs, I could not feel my arms, I couldn't feel anything. And it's like I couldn't breathe. And I was trying to tell them I can't feel anything, I can't breathe. And the doctor was like, well, you're talking to me, everything's fine, you're talking, so you're breathing. And I'm like, okay, I get that, but I can't feel my body parts, I can't move. And he was like, yes, you can like move your leg. I was like I can't move my leg. And then he just walked out and my aunt was crying, my son's father was crying and I was like freaking out. And then I'm like, oh, you're freaking everybody else out around you. Get yourself together. That's what I kept telling myself. Get yourself together, get yourself together. But I just couldn't feel my body and I don't know what happened. But then I could feel my body and then the doctor came in. He's like, how are you feeling? And I was like I'm fine and he just wrote my discharge papers and that was it.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, it was an event in my life that I will never forget and it's why I do the work that I do. Now, right, and I've had clients postpartum where they're neglected. They go to the ER and the ER doctors. They don't know how to care for postpartum women and it's sad. I'm just happy that I could be their doula and I could show up for them and hold space for them in the er and advocate for them postpartum, because I know what it feels like to have a provider not listen to you when you can't explain what's going on in your body? What's going on in your body, what's going on in your mind? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The postpartum state is the most vulnerable part of womanhood, especially with your first baby. The transition you can't even put it into words, right, and when something is wrong it's so hard to advocate for yourself because you have this newborn baby who's relying on you the way it is in society. You talk about having your village having that support. It's so important because in that state, like you say, you had those people to come and to care for you and bring you to the hospital and do all those things that you needed to be done. Yeah, and then in the hospital, like you said, the ER is not equipped to take care of postpartum people in a safe and healthy manner. Well, I'm glad everything turned out okay with you. Did the migraines go away too? They did.

Speaker 2:

They did go away and I don't know. By the grace of God. That's all I can say about the grace of God. I was able to survive, I was able to recover and I am just so grateful for God leading me along this path. Like I said before, nursing was never in my space. Doula was never in my space when I thought about my future, growing up and what do I want to be and who do I want to become. But challenges have always led me on my path and I'm grateful for them. So challenges can be a blessing and they could put you exactly where you need to be in life, and I can say that's what happened for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a journey that can dictate the next phase of your life without you even realizing it. Yeah, yeah, well, thank you for sharing You're welcome, you're welcome.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome For our listeners. If you are in the Houston area, reach out to Mitzi. She will take great care of you. She is a wonderful doula, a wonderful friend, and you can hear it in her voice how genuine and sincere and mindful that she is, and she'll take great care of you. Thank you, stephanie, of course. Thank you so much for opening up and coming on the show and sharing all the great services you have to offer, and thank you for all of the things that you are doing to make change and advocate and pave a new way for birthing women.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks.

Speaker 1:

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